Best Tarot Cards For Self-Love and Self-Care


Tarot is a great guide to uncover challenges, strengths, and growth opportunities. Many of the issues that people seek out tarot for are sacral, root chakra, and heart chakra issues which can lead to blockages in creativity, stability, and how they relate to others. A great remedy to healing one or more of these chakras is to cultivate a deep love for self. I believe there are many cards in tarot that can indicate a need to nurture more self-love or that can indicate that you are loving yourself properly.

Four of Pentacles - My pick for this card will be controversial because this card can indicate selfishness, greed, and hoarding, but hear me out!  People that turn to tarot that are dealing with a blocked heart chakra may need an extra dose of selfishness, hoarding, and being greedy with their energy and resources. A blocked heart chakra can cause a person to need to seek out validation and acceptance from others, depending on others for happiness and fulfillment, and giving without the expectation of reciprocity. I like this card because it implies that you are looking out for your self-interest or that you need to start looking out for your self-interest. You can not be empty and pour into others, you have to do that from a place of abundance; an abundance of resources, an abundance of energy, and an abundance of love. The card can indicate a person that could have denied themselves small, temporary pleasures to achieve a goal. If the card comes up in reverse, you just want to be careful to not allow yourself to become so closed off.  If you are struggling with needing the attention or affection of others to be happy, this card will come up to let you know that you need to pull back and focus on yourself. 

The Empress - This card suggests that you are experiencing or radiating motherly or maternal love that is filling you up with passion, abundance, joy, and creativity.  Your self-love cup is overflowing so much that you have enough to share with others and you can fashion your life in any way that you see fit. You are a magnetic creator.  In reverse, you are lacking that maternal love, excitement for life, and your ability to create is blocked. This card in reverse hints at a blocked heart, sacral, or root chakra. You may be having issues making ends meet, you may have emotional issues that you are not dealing with, or you could be feeling extremely uninspired and feeling like life is monotonous. This card is asking you to revel in life and take stock of life around you. It wants you to be in the moment and enjoy whatever space you find yourself in. When you are properly loving yourself, you won’t allow yourself to constantly be worried about the future and worried about hitting some mark. You understand you will get there when you get there and you will draw things to you through the power of self-love, and you won’t have to chase after anything. Everything will be drawn to you like a moth to a flame.  I think this is one of the most beautiful cards that exemplifies the benefits of self-love. 

The Lovers - This card comes up to show balance. A complete merging of the masculine and feminine. It shows that the masculine and feminine have created a safe space that can be shared simultaneously by both energies without ego or power trips. This card upright shows that you have an open and balanced heart and sacral chakra. When your masculine and feminine energy is balanced, you are an open vessel for the best that life has to offer. It shows guidance and protection, You have successfully built up an energetic bubble that you draw inspiration from, you can be completely yourself without the worry of scrutiny, and you feel a certain level of divine protection around you. You have fully encapsulated what it means to love yourself and to allow others to love you. 

Queen of Swords - I like this card to represent someone that has mastered self-love, because of her expertise level of discernment and logic. She can not be manipulated or played with. She does not live in a fairy tale land. She has been through it all and has seen it all and she has learned many lessons from it all. Watch out! This queen can be snappy if she thinks you are trying to take advantage of her. These things may not sound so pleasant, but isn’t that what the journey of self-love is about? The ability to bounce back after disappointment and come out stronger on the other side? Self-love requires that one practice a lot of vetting and ridding oneself of people, places, or toxic things, or a stumbling block in life’s journey. The queen of swords does this brilliantly. If this card comes up in a reading, you can bet that the person in question uses their sharp mind to weed through any BS and cut out anything that goes against their standards, or this card is coming up to let the person know that they need to be more discriminating and understand their worth. Many view this card as a lonely woman who may not be interested in relationships, but I see this as a person (man or woman) who would rather keep their own company over the bad company and that is the crux of self-love. 

Four of Swords- This card comes up as a big red blinking sign that self-care and rest are severely needed. Self-care is self-love! Learning how to say you and admit that you need a mental vacation from everything is properly loving yourself.  Therapy, meditation, and just taking a mental break are just what the doctor ordered. You may have experienced something very traumatic or heartbreaking that has caused you a lot of mental anguish. You may not be the type to talk about your problems with other people, but if this card comes up this is the time to accept help from others. You can not do it alone, this is a warning that something is amiss. Rest is a keyword with this card. It could also be a physical ailment that you have been ignoring, but whatever it is you don’t have the luxury of ignoring it anymore. It’s very cliche but very true that “health is wealth” and that includes mental and physical health. Ignoring your problems will not make them go away and that isn’t very loving towards yourself.




My Favorite Nontradtional Love Tarot Cards